Sunday 17 November 2013

The Advert: What the Target Audience Want

We asked our target audience what they thought we needed to include in our magazine advert.

Question 1: What is the most important feature of a magazine advert?

Question 2: What should the main image be of?

Question 3: How important is it to have an obvious link between the advert and digipak?

From this research we have found that the main elements of text used for example the band name need to be bold to be easily recognized by the audience.Also colour is important which is good because the digipak idea is also colourful so these two pieces should work together well and please the audience. A striking image will also be used to grab the target audience's attention. Also the release date was another important factor picked up on, we need to make sure we include this very clearly on the advertisement as it is one of the most important elements to make sure it sells.

Everyone from our target audience asked said they want an image of the band/singer on the advertisement which we will follow.

Also the link between the digipak and advert proved very important as all members of the target audience said yes to this question of how important it is.

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