Friday 29 November 2013

Creating the coloured bars on InDesign

To create the coloured signal bars to use as a filter over a band image I made these on Adobe InDesign. Firstly I opened up the program and went new document>paper size: A4>Ok

Next I clicked the rectangle frame tool at the left side toolbar...

...and drew my first rectangle frame onto the page, I copied and pasted this a few times to get the right amount I needed using the black selection tool to select boxes and move them around.

To line my boxes up equally I moved one of the  boxes slightly closer to the one I wanted to align it with and waited for the arrows to appear at either end to tell me they are equal. I also used guide lines by dragging down/across from the rulers.

Next to change each bar to the correct colour I clicked on the Fill tool to select my colour then the apply colour tool afterwards to use it.

Once I finished the colour bar effect I saved it as an Indesign file because that way the background would remain transparent as this file type is supported in Photoshop where I will be superimposing it over my band image.

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