Thursday 31 October 2013

Planning a re-shoot

To improve the quality of our footage further, we have been planning to work with the media technician Mr Convery to give us tips and  advice on how to film the apples scene more artistically and successfully rather than just having a purely functional shot. In order for us to capture the apples smashing apart in high quality we are borrowing his camera which will be better for this kind of filming.

We have been emailing him this week in order to arrange a date when we are all free this week off to film. Bellow is the thread of emails organizing a date:

Sounds like a plan!

Make sure you still use the time you have this week though!

On 30 October 2013 15:09, Reece Higham wrote:
Yes that's probably a better idea in which case we will just speak to you on Monday about it and possibly go up one afternoon during that week?

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On 30 Oct 2013, at 09:13, Nick Convery wrote:
I don't get back from this trip until 3 on Friday so even 4 is a bit of a push. Might it be worth doing this through next week do you think?

On 29 October 2013 20:06, Reece Higham wrote:
Cool, is there any chance you could meet us a little bit earlier in the afternoon? Just we are concerned about the amount of time before it gets dark

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On 29 Oct 2013, at 12:31, Nick Convery  wrote:
Sure thing! Meet on the bridge?
On 29 Oct 2013 12:13, "Reece Higham"  wrote:
Hi again 

Friday seems to be the best day for us all so can we meet you around 4ish then please?

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On 29 Oct 2013, at 08:56, Nick Convery  wrote:
Hi Reece,
Things suddenly got busy! I'm out of school Thursday and Friday and there are groups in today and tomorrow. Like I said though, Jesmond Dene is near where I live so I could come down if you're there in early evening (4ish)tomorrow or Friday.
Sorry, I had anticipated having a lot more spare time this week! If needed, I can probably get away with joining you for an afternoon in term time.

-Mr C

On 28 October 2013 21:31, Reece Higham wrote:
Hi what day if possible would you be able to film with us this week?


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-Nick Convery

Media/English Support Assistant
Whitley Bay High School

Sent from North Tyneside's Learning Platform
(, an educational virtual learning environment.
This email may not reflect the views of the organisation.

It turned out that due to other commitments and the daylight time shortening due to the time of year, it would not be realistic to get enough time to film this section of the video well enough in this week off so we  have decided to film this section once back at school but use this week off to focus on other sections needed to be re-filmed instead.

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