Sunday, 13 October 2013

Filming at Reece's house

Today we all went to Reece's house to film the bedroom scene where the couple are relaxing reading a book in their room and later when it cuts to them having an abusive fight showing the ups and downs in their relationship.

Mise en Scene

In order to give the couple a dull but retro appearance we stripped back the room so there was barely any furniture to show they have little money, also we filmed on a bare mattress to make them look even more grotty as if they barely spend any time at home. Also the vintage headboard and mattress tie in grate with our retro indie theme.

We had a few problems filming the fight scene as neither of us are professional actors therefore found it hard to show the raw emotion needed for the shots, after running out of time before members of our group had to leave we decided it was best to choreograph it so both actors and camera users know what is going on.

Here we found a music video which shows a very short fight but this is just how we want to show ours, we have taken note of the close ups and action matches etc. and will use them when we re-film the shots on Thursday.  
Hurts- Blind (fight scene)
Despite not being able to film anymore we experimented with the police sirens we bought for the final part of our video, we held them behind frosted glass as if outside to give the effect that the characters were under arrest without having to act out the arrest and we decided the lights work very well.

Flashing Lights

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