Thursday 17 October 2013

17/10/13 Sticking to the filming schedule

When writing the schedule for filming the narrative I think we underestimated how much time some parts would take to film; and overestimated others. For example, the first scene we shot of the fight in Reece's room took a lot longer than we expected, leaving us an hour and a half behind schedule, however the shots on Whitley Bay sea front took less time than we thought and so we began catching up with the schedule. In the afternoon, despite not closely following the schedule , was planned out well. We were strict with ensuring we weren't messing around and got the shots that we needed. In the end, I think the day turned out better without the schedule because we used our time wisely whilst we still had the natural light. Although we missed out a couple of shots towards the end of the day due to the sky getting darker earlier, we have rescheduled to reshoot them over half term, when we have will have plenty free time to be at the locations at the exact time that the sun will be going down, and then we will be able to fit it into the finished video in time for final cut.

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