There is a slight unbalance with the gender ratio but this was expected considering the survey was advertised openly online to any willing participants. This most won't matter too much as Indie fans often have similar tastes regardless of gender e.g. fashion.
This question shows that the mass surveyed like an even mix of both story and performance which is good to hear because this is a requirement from the brief and our story line follows this.
The majority of people surveyed said that they like both male and female lead rolls, this does not support our initial idea therefore we are considering a change to support this high demand and adhered to the indie music fans.
When creating the survey these locations where just a quick brainstorm of ideas to see what our audience thought but what we have decided from these results are than a park and a corn field are the most unpopular options therefore we won't film there. Urban street scenery was the most popular option which is good because we have some ideas that will incorporate these locations.
Which is your favorite indie music video and why?
A few of the favourite indie music videos were: Cassium- Foals, King and Lionheart- Of Monsters and Men, High Hopes- Kodaline, The horrible crowes- Behold the hurricane, Noah and the Whale- 5 Years Time.
Some of the reasons for these choices were: "It is unique and exciting", "The video offers an artisitic impression" "The story matches the tone and pace of the song", "it looks cool and interesting" and "it has a cute couple"
From these reasons we have decided that our new idea must be cool, unique and exciting for an indie audience, it must offer artistic representations such as metaphors, the story must be suited to the pace of our song and they liked cute indie couples. This has made us think that we will change our story to include an indie couple as they also like both male and female main characters.
This question received an very interesting result, the most popular response was that people said that the story line is important but as long as it is aesthetically pleasing it will still be a success. This is typical of an indie music fan. Therefore we have chosen to have a loose story line in which the couple have fun, argue in the middle and make up at the end but fill it with other exciting things that will make music video unique from others.
In your opinion, what is the main feature of an indie music video which defines it's genre? (e.g. Indie clothing, love story, heavily focused on the instruments etc.)
Here were a few popular responses:
Band and Instruments
Interesting locations
Strong performance
Indie clothing
Artistically filmed
A Story line
Love story
Ambiguous plot revealed at the end
Indie Mise-en-scene
From this question we have learned that we need include loads of shots the performance including instruments, perhaps more than we initially thought but this is what our target audience want. The costume choices will need to be picked carefully to please an indie audience (which means allot of indie clothing!) We will use symbolism to create artistic measurements and semantic codes. Also the locations will be chosen carefully so they are interesting and individual enough to please and intrigue our target audience.
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